Sunday, 10 May 2015


Someone once said “if you can manage time properly, then you can manage anything.” In my book ‘TEN -STEP RECIPE FOR SUCCESS’ I wrote; “everybody has got 86400 seconds in a day, and the difference between successful people and the rest is that, successful people can account for most of these seconds. They make sure that each and every one of them counts: lazy people just blow them away like dust in the air.” The surest way to become poor is to fail to learn how to manage time.
I know of a business man who lost a business deal because he could not make it to a business meeting on time and I am sure that you know one too. I also know of a student who failed his examinations because he failed to mange his time well, I know you know one too or is it you?
Time management simply means, being able to plan how you are going to use your time and it involves drawing up a daily sequence of events and allocating time for each event. This will help us to ensure that each activity that we spend energy on is relevant and adds value to our lives, failure to do this means that we become subject to external controls. Starting a day or a week or a month without a plan is like starting a journey with no specific destination in mind. It is like travelling on a road that leads particularly to nowhere but will definitely end up somewhere somehow.
We need to understand as human beings that; the most dangerous moments of our lives are moments when we spend time with no specific purpose. Someone once said “if you do not live for anything then you will die for nothing.” If we want our visions and dreams to remain alive, we must make sure that every minute we live must be geared towards helping us to achieve our goals. When we lose track of our time, we lose track of our vision. You will not be a successful business man by sitting in the house the whole day and doing nothing. The key to success and happiness is to learn how to manage your time for in so doing you will be able to mange many activities in your life. 

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