Wednesday, 29 April 2015



Employment is a supposed to be guarantee of income on a regular basis, weekly, monthly, or yearly. After God had created man, he commissioned him to work in the Garden of Eden, work in this case according to theologians means “to become” meaning God commissioned Adam to become everything that he had intended for him to become. Man had to find out for himself what he could do with the resources around him. In fact, it is argued that, God did not create Adam with everything he needed rather, he placed resources within his environment which Adam needed to process in order to get everything he needed.

Before we dive in to the reasons why employment makes it hard for us to live our dreams, let us first of all discuss the differences between employment and work.
·        Employment is the job we are trained to do while work is what we were born to do or what God commissioned us to do.
·        In order to be employable we need skills whereas work requires us to put our talents to work.
·        We can get fired from our employment but no one can fire us from doing what we were born to do, for example no one can fire Ezekiel Kemboi from being a runner, but the CEO of Safaricom can get fired. In other words, no one can stop you from becoming what you were meant to be.
·        We retire from our employment when we get old and we can hand our positions over to the next generations in a predictable way, we hardly retire from our talents and we cannot hand them over to the next generation, we can only pass on the benefits of our talents.
·        Employment will help you to survive but your work will create wealth for you.
Employment is described as modern day slavery as it ties you to the same position, hinders you from thinking freely and eventually stops you from making personal progress. We have become so depended on employment such that such that if there is no job we become helpless. This is why we talk of unemployment rates all the time. Our young men and women live colleges with a promise of a well paying job and no alternative to it. When these jobs become hard to come by, they end up desperate. That is why we read the news of a trained young lawyer becoming a cold blooded murderer in a terrorist organization. We hear of young men and women becoming “educated criminals.” The government has even gone to the extent of running its political agenda on the promise of employment which makes the government our economic parent.
 I am not trying to demonetize employment, employment is a good thing, it is supposed to prepare us to exploit our talents, that is why I insist that young men and women in colleges and universities should be offered training in areas of their talents so that when they get to the job market, they can practice their talent and put them to test. Therefore, employment is only good if people are employed in their areas of gifts and talents because this will give them an opportunity to grow their talents.

When God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, he did not give Adam everything he needed, for example, he did not give Adam a chair or a bed; he expected Adam to see the chair and the bed in the tree. Employment prevents us from seeing the chair in the tree. Most of us are so busy going to our jobs or looking for employment such that we pass by problems every single day that beg for our talents to solve and we do not get to see them. Someone once said this “your life is bigger than your job, it’s a calling” meaning whatever you were commissioned to become is much bigger than your employment. You are like a tree, and your talents and abilities are like fruits, people only value you when they see the talents that you posses. Your value is therefore defined by the uniqueness of your talents. The more unique your talent is, the more valuable you are as a person. Bare your fruit and people will come to you, when you have found your talent, you do not worry about getting hired, people will come looking for you. It is also written, “Sow your seed in the morning and in the evening let your hand be not idle……because you do not know which one will succeed…..” meaning, if you are employed, work during the day and give it all your best but after working hours are over, embark on personal growth do not let traffic jams and television stop you from finding out what you are good at. The advice here is, no one has created wealth by working for another person; people create wealth when they put their talents to use. Create your wealth after five o'clock.  Go back to school in the evening, run a business, study, write, sing and so on. Listen to good advice, you cannot build yourself by sleeping for 8 hours a day, most successful people build their wealth when the rest are sleeping. 

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