Wednesday 22 April 2015


It is paramount that we understand that you came on earth to manage a problem for humanity, which means that you have an assignment to humanity. None of us was born to live, raise a family and then die without any meaningful contribution to humanity. Each one us was born with a purpose and whatever your purpose is, the world needs you. There are as many unsolved problems in the world as there are dead men and women who died before they discovered the problems that they were born to solve.

The first law of success dictates that problems were made so that people can become successful while solving them. The second law of success says that a person’s value to the world and the magnitude of his success are solely depended on the magnitude of the problem that they solve. The third law of success says that, no one will be remembered for the problems that they avoided but for the problems that they successfully solved. We remember Isaac Newton because he solved the puzzle of gravity, Alexander Fleming is remembered for solving the problem of bacteria, South Africans will sing about Mandela for the next very many generations because he solved the problem of apartheid and the list is endless. What I seek to show here is that anyone who became so successful did so not because they were looking to be successful, rather they attempted successfully to solve a problem for humanity.
You have a solution for humanity, but you probably will die before the world knows that you existed. The key to finding out what your purpose is lies in self rediscovery. Self discovery may be a long journey that requires lots patience. It involves taking a good stoke of your talents and abilities- this is particularly good for a young person still in school and trying his/her hand on everything. I discovered what I was meant to do long after I left college. I was 29 years old when I knew that I could write and talk to people as a motivational speaker and from my experience I have devised a short cut for those of us who are a little too old to begin to try their hand on everything. What is one thing that you would do for people that you won’t get paid for yet feel satisfied on the inside and be happy to do it again? What is the one thing that when you begin to do you lose truck of time but you wouldn't mind continuing?
That one thing that you are so passionate about is your area of gifting and that may be God’s purpose for you here on earth. One thing I know about passion is that passion follows talent and ability and when talent meets skill, wealth is the products. This is how I discovered my talent; one day I gathered some students after classes to discuss the issue of drugs that had become big menus in our school. I do not know what happened but what I can remember is that two hours later I snapped out of it and my students were so happy and clapping it was 6.30 in the evening and they were urging me to continue. After the talk some excited students came to me and said “we never knew that you had such a talent” that evening I thought about it and said to myself “this is it” I had enrolled at the university for a masters degree in ecology, at the beginning of the next semester I changed it to Msc. counselling psychology. It’s been only one year since then and I have written three books already and each day I grow stronger.
In my life skill coaching work I have come across so many youths who find it hard to make a difference between skills and talents, and knowing how to tell the two apart, marks the beginning of self rediscovery. So, what is a talent? And what is a skill? Let’s start from here.
·        We get skills after going through a formal or informal education, but we are born with talents, there is no school where talents are acquired.
·        Skills can be acquired through a deliberate effort but talents can only be discovered.
·        Skills enable us to find employment while talents enable us to create wealth.

Therefore, we do not go to school to get talents but rather to discover talents and polish them. A person who acquires skills in his or her areas of talent usually become self employed. They merge their work and employment. After so much soul searching and personal research, I came with the following factors as reasons why some people find it hard to live their purpose. I have simply referred to them as dream killers.

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