Saturday, 25 July 2015


They say nothing in the world can stop a man with positive attitude from achieving his goals just like nothing in the world can help a man with a negative attitude achieve anything. Everything we are, everything we have achieved, is everything that we have thought about. We have achieved what we thought we could achieve and we have stretched as far as we could have allowed ourselves.
Positive attitude is an enduring belief that all will be well even in the face of adversity and negativities.  You cannot achieve your goals as a sales person, business person, employee or parent with a defeated mind. It is good to take note of the fact that mental attitude has far reaching effects on self confidence and esteem.
This is how you can boost your attitude:
a)      Understand and appreciate yourself.
Take a self assessment test based on answering the following questions;
(i)                  Who am I?, which seeks to define both physical and emotional aspects of your whole self. It seeks to assess your talents, skills, mental predisposition, biases, beliefs and everything that goes in to defining who you are.
(ii)                Where have I been?, which seeks to  define your past experiences, what lessons you are bringing from your past, the achievements that you have and the attempts to success that you have tried your hands on.
(iii)               Where am I?, which is a question that seeks to assess your current position in terms of financial ability, state of mind, physical health, physical location and ideas.
(iv)              Where do I want to be?, which seeks to define your visions, dreams, plans and goals. It also defines a clear road map of how you are going to achieve them.
Self knowledge is the foundation of positive mental attitude. You cannot like what you do not know. It will help you to know yourself a little bit more before you can begin to like yourself.
b)      Be emotionally intelligent.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to make healthy choices based on accurately identifying, understanding and managing your own feelings and those of others.  In order to understand yourself emotionally, you need to ask yourself these questions that I call ‘the guide to emotional open surgery.’
(i)                  What triggers my emotions?
Here what you need to know is; what turns you own emotionally, what makes you angry, glad, sad or scared. What things do you do to yourself and others that turn you on emotionally?  What things do others do that make you emotional?
(ii)                How do I express these emotions
How do you react when you are angry, sad, glad and scared? How does it affect your image? How does it affect your relationships with others? How do your actions affect others?
(iii)               How can I cope with my own emotions?
These question seeks to interrogate how you can manipulate your emotions so as to shape others opinion of you. Is it possible that you can replace some of your negative reactions to unpleasant emotions with positive or neutral ones? For example, instead of banging the table or shouting when angry, you could calm down or walk away.
Self awareness, self management, social awareness and relationships management are some of the skills you need to master in order to be emotionally intelligent.

c)       Be honest and truthful in all things.
Honesty is a fragment of a larger character called integrity. There is an old saying that “the truth shall set you free.” Being honest about your emotions and expectations as you interact with others will present you as a mature individual that can be counted on by others.  A sense of importance and being needed will boost your self esteem. As parents, you might need to do this in order to be good role models to your children.
d)      Have respect for yourself and others.

Like they say, you cannot give that which you do not possess. Unless if you have a great sense of admiration and confidence in your abilities and qualities it will be next to impossible to develop an iota of respect for others. High opinion of others creates humility which mostly a likable character.

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