Saturday, 17 October 2015


Ever wondered why some people live a happy life while others remain miserable in the same circumstances? Well, guess no more! Here are some of the key principles that you need to develop in order to live a happy and fulfilling life;

a)      Find a reason to keep going.
What are the reasons why you deserve to achieve your goals? When life catches you on the blind side what will keep you in the game? When life knocks you down what reason do you have to get right back on your feet? You’ve got to have a reason for when people lie to you- and this is going to happen, for when they betray you and say, ‘you can count on me’ and when you need them most, they won’t show up. When you want to throw in the towel and give up, what reason will you have for trying one more time? It is human nature to get overwhelmed when life collapses on us and drops us on our knees and begins to choke us. The most important thing is to find some dreams, visions and desires that you can call on to and reach out for.
b)     Make a commitment to be happy.
Find little things to just to get tickled about and laugh. Find ways to be happy in the moments and do not let pressures of life deny you little pleasures of life. Do not say ‘ I will be happy when I achieve this or that.’ Life does not give us guarantees to stay long, today is all you’ve got to be happy. Enjoy the sunshine while it still shines for winter will soon be here.
c)      Get rid of all toxic people in your life.
It takes a lot of energy to reach your goals and you can move faster with a hundred people who want to go that with one around your neck, so get rid of some energy drainers in your life. Do not enter in to toxic relationships where you are going to die rather than grow. Prefer nourishing relationships and stay around positive people. Negative people are bad for your health. Make a list of people you interact with and ask yourself, ‘what value are they adding to me?’ ‘Would my life be better without them?’ begin to cross out some names and if your list remains empty, you are better on your own. Be around people who discipline, inspire and encourage you to reach for your dreams.
d)     Learn to let your past go.

Many people never act on their dreams because they allow their past to experiences to determine what their possibilities are. Whatever happened in your past is not a reflection of your possibilities; it is a reflection of your development and growth. Your future is unfolding for and it is unlimited right now. No one knows what you can become or where you can go. That is why I say; I do not what tomorrow brings, it may be good or bad; it is not mine to decide, but there is one thing that I am damn right sure about and that is today therefore, the only way I can thank my creator for giving me today is by doing today everything that I must in order to make tomorrow a better day should it come.   

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