Tragedies become tragic when they take away from us three most fundamental human qualities; hope, faith and believe.
A young boy once asked his grandfather, “why do bad things happen in the world?” his
grandfather looked at him straight in the eye and answered him, “because my
son, that’s what make the world normal, you see, if no one died or got sick, or
if there were no rumours of war or road accidents
SELF DISCIPLINE IS WHAT YOU NEED TO KEEP GOING.. It is said that a man’s talents will bring to
the king’s table but to keep him at the king’s table he needs character.
Meaning one can never enjoy the fruits of his labour if he/she lacks self
discipline. Self discipline is the inner drive that compels you to maintain a
difficult schedule.
Someone once said
that the problems with many unsuccessful people, is that; they set out to build
a wall in a day. This is usually the source of our misery and heartaches. Patience
is a technique that must be mastered by those who are hoping to gain financial
LET NOT POVERTY BE REASON FOR YOUR DEAD DREAMS. Poverty is the state of having no enough money
or lack of it.Poverty however goes beyond lack of money. The World
Bank defines poverty this way; “poverty is hunger, poverty is lack of shelter,
poverty is being sick and being unable to see the doctor, poverty is not having
access to school and not knowing how to read, poverty is not having a job, it
is the fear of the future and living one day at a time.”An expansion of definition of poverty like
this makes a majority of us very poor even if we look self sufficient.